Author(s): Maher, F. A.
Date: 1987
Publication: The Journal of Education
Citation: Maher, F. A. (1987). Toward a richer theory of feminist pedagogy: A comparison of “liberation” and “gender” models for teaching and learning. The Journal of Education, 169(3), 91–100.
Section on webpage: Liberatory Pedagogy Literature
Tenets: Considering alternative histories and narratives. Examining how gender, intersecting with other social categories, structures our lives, learning, and knowledge production, access to resources and information. Honoring diversity and lived experiences through intersectional approaches.
Annotation: (Abstract) This essay articulates two distinct sources for the set of teaching practices that have come to be called “feminist pedagogy.” The separate contributions of liberation pedagogy and of feminist theories of women’s development are described. It is argued that neither approach taken by itself is adequate to produce a feminist pedagogy that fully challenges the androcentric universals of conventional teaching practices. By synthesizing the two approaches, however, feminist pedagogy can be developed in a way that will have a strong influence on contemporary education.


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