‘Don’t Hate Me Because I’m Virtual’: Feminist Pedagogy in the Online Classroom

Author(s): Chick, N. & Hassel, H.
Date: 2009
Publication: Feminist Teacher
Citation: Chick, N. & Hassel, H. (2009). ‘Don’t Hate Me Because I’m Virtual’: Feminist Pedagogy in the Online Classroom. Feminist Teacher 19(3), 195–215. https://www.jstor.org/stable/40546100.
Section on webpage: Feminist Pedagogy – Online
Tenets: Humanizing online teaching/learning. Creating cultures of care in online classrooms. Examining (dis)embodiment in virtual teaching/learning. Using technology intentionally to build communities and enhance learning.
Annotation: The authors describe why moving feminist pedagogy to the online environment is important to keep up with the trends in education. By giving strategies for creating positive classroom dynamics and environments and discussing how online education gives students the opportunity to bridge classroom knowledge to their personal lives, the authors argue that digital learning can be just as rewarding and in-person class.