He’s too young to learn about all that stuff: Anti-racist pedagogy and early childhood social studies

Author(s): Husband, T.
Date: 2010
Publication: Social Studies Research and Practice
Citation: Husband, T. (2010). He’s too young to learn about that stuff: Anti-racist pedagogy and early childhood social studies. Social Studies Research and Practice, 5(2), 61–75. https://doi.org/10.1108/SSRP-02-2010-B0006
Section on webpage: Anti-Racist Pedagogy Literature
Tenets: Considering alternative histories and narratives. Examining how gender, intersecting with other social categories, structures our lives, learning, and knowledge production, access to resources and information. Honoring diversity and lived experiences through intersectional approaches.
Annotation: (Abstract) Few early childhood teachers engage in critical and anti-racist forms of pedagogical practice, primarily on the basis of developmental and political concerns. With the exception of a few studies, little has been documented relative to early childhood teachers’ experiences while enacting this form of pedagogical practice. The purpose of this article is to examine Husband’s teaching experiences engaging in critical, anti-racist pedagogy through the development and implementation of a critical action research study/unit on African American history. Data from this study reveal four levels of challenges that emerged throughout the development and implementation phases of this study/unit. Finally, Husband discusses several implications of this study for early child-hood multicultural practice.