Toward an Ethic of Care and Inclusivity in Emergency E-Learning

Author(s): Hutchison, E.
Date: 2020
Publication: PS: Political Science & Politics
Citation: Hutchison, E. (2020). Toward an Ethic of Care and Inclusivity in Emergency E-Learning. PS: Political Science & Politics, 17–19.
Section on webpage: General Teaching and Course Development
Tenets: Building equity, trust, mutual respect, and support. Examining how gender, intersecting with other social categories, structures our lives, learning, and knowledge production, access to resources and information. Uncovering the causes of inequality and leveraging resources toward undoing power structures. Honoring diversity and lived experiences through intersectional approaches. Using technology intentionally to build communities and enhance learning.
Annotation: In this article, the author shares tools for making the online classroom more inclusive and engaging for students. The strategies focus on utilizing new advancements in higher education pedagogy and fostering a collaborative environment between students.