“Why Faculty Members Need to Explain Feminist Pedagogy”

Author(s): Nowik, C.
Date: 2018
Publication: Inside Higher Ed
Citation: Nowik, C. (2018). “Why Faculty Members Need to Explain Feminist Pedagogy,” Inside Higher Ed. https://www.insidehighered.com/advice/2018/10/05/why-faculty-members-need-explain-feminist-pedagogy-opinion.
Section on webpage: Feminist Pedagogy – General
Tenets: Building equity, trust, mutual respect, and support. Presenting knowledge as constructed. Examining how gender, intersecting with other social categories, structures our lives, learning, and knowledge production, access to resources and information. Uncovering the causes of inequality and leveraging resources toward undoing power structures. Honoring diversity and lived experiences through intersectional approaches. Examining the “why” in addition to the “what”.
Annotation: Discusses how feminist pedagogy drives Nowik’s decision making: “Three primary assumptions underpin my teaching: 1) that a power structure promoting agency and collective responsibility is the best environment for learning, 2) that community development is essential to individual growth and development in the writing classroom, and 3) that the development of good thinking is essential to liberty.”