“I’ve never heard of the word pedagogy before”: Using liberatory pedagogy to forge hope for teachers in our nation’s public schools.

Author(s): Rodríguez, L. F.
Date: 2008
Publication: InterActions: UCLA Journal of Education and Information Studies
Citation: Rodríguez, L. F. (2008). “I’ve never heard of the word pedagogy before”: Using liberatory pedagogy to forge hope for teachers in our nation’s public schools. InterActions: UCLA Journal of Education and Information Studies, 4(2). https://doi.org/10.5070/D442000627
Section on webpage: Liberatory Pedagogy Literature
Tenets: Considering alternative histories and narratives. Examining how gender, intersecting with other social categories, structures our lives, learning, and knowledge production, access to resources and information. Honoring diversity and lived experiences through intersectional approaches.
Annotation: (Abstract) This paper describes an initiative that engages urban high school students, pre-service teachers, and university professors in liberatory practice. Rooted in Freirian pedagogy and using Participatory Action Research as a methodological tool, this initiative aims to provide opportunities for democratic engagement of all parties by forging dialogue, modeling liberatory pedagogy, and raising the critical consciousness of future teachers, particularly those committed to serving low-income children of color in our nation’s public schools. Implications for teacher development and partnerships between universities and K-12 schools are considered.