Author(s): Hrach, S.
Date: 2021
Publication: West Virginia Press
Citation: Hrach, S. (2021). Minding Bodies: How Physical Space, Sensation, and Movement Affect Learning. West Virginia Press.
Section on webpage: General Teaching and Course Development
Tenets: Concern with materiality (bodies, labor, not just virtual and discursive). Promoting cooperative learning. Humanizing online teaching/learning. Creating cultures of care in online classrooms. Examining (dis)embodiment in virtual teaching/learning.
Annotation: “Starting from new research on the body—aptly summarized as ‘sitting is the new smoking’—Minding Bodies aims to help instructors improve their students’ knowledge and skills through physical movement, attention to the spatial environment, and sensitivity to humans as more than “brains on sticks.” It shifts the focus of adult learning from an exclusively mental effort toward an embodied, sensory-rich experience, offering new strategies to maximize the effectiveness of time spent learning together on campus as well as remotely.”


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