Author(s): Price, K.
Date: 2008
Publication: Transformations: The Journal of Inclusive Scholarship and Pedagogy
Citation: Price, K. (2008). Teaching about reproduction, politics, and social justice. Transformations: The Journal of Inclusive Scholarship and Pedagogy, 19(2), 42–54.
Section on webpage: Reproductive Rights and Justice Literature
Tenets: Considering alternative histories and narratives. Examining how gender, intersecting with other social categories, structures our lives, learning, and knowledge production, access to resources and information. Honoring diversity and lived experiences through intersectional approaches.
Annotation: In this essay, Price describes the development of a course that addresses the human rights and social justice aspects of reproduction in order for students to understand how social, political, and economic institutions and processes, and intersecting oppressions and privileges can affect the reproductive choices of individual women and entire communities, zooming out from the narrow concept of individual choice, which dominates discussions of reproductive rights in the United States. She discusses the theoretical foundations of reproductive justice and offers some strategies for its incorporation into courses on the politics of reproduction.


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