Author(s): Rose, E.C.
Date: 1995
Publication: Feminist Teacher
Citation: Rose, E.C. (1995). ‘This Class Meets in Cyberspace’: Women’s Studies via Distance Education. Feminist Teacher 9(2), 53–60.
Section on webpage: Feminist Pedagogy – Online
Tenets: Building equity, trust, mutual respect, and support. Examining (dis)embodiment in virtual teaching/learning. Using technology intentionally to build communities and enhance learning.
Annotation: In this paper, the author mentions many possible benefits to virtual feminist pedagogy such as, “meeting the instructional needs of a demographically diverse student population (including many who work fulltime or who live inconvenient distances from institutions of higher education) to pooling scarce resources in an increasingly stringent economy.” She also mentions several challenges of this type of learning, but offers up her own program, the Feminist Theories course via distance education to students at the University of Nevada, Reno (UNR), as a successful model of how to overcome many of these challenges.


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