Author(s): Schweitzer, I.
Date: 2001
Publication: Women’s Studies Quarterly
Citation: Schweitzer, I. (2001). Women’s Studies Online: Cyberfeminism or Cyberhype?. Women’s Studies Quarterly 29(3), 187–217.
Section on webpage: Feminist Pedagogy – Online
Tenets: Building equity, trust, mutual respect, and support. Examining how gender, intersecting with other social categories, structures our lives, learning, and knowledge production, access to resources and information. Examining the “why” in addition to the “what”. Using technology intentionally to build communities and enhance learning.
Annotation: “Schweitzer believes that Web technology constitutes the greatest opportunity for feminism and progressive politics in the new century. With certain very important caveats, Web technology and Web-related teaching have the potential to actualize some of the basic goals of feminism and feminist pedagogy.”


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