Author(s): Kennedy, E. Oliver, M. & Littlejohn, A.
Date: 2022, April 15
Publication: Italian Journal of Educational Technology
Citation: Kennedy, E., Oliver, M., & Littlejohn, A. (2022, April 15). “You make yourself entirely available”: Emotional labour in a caring approach to online teaching. Italian Journal of Educational Technology. DOI: 10.17471/2499-4324/1237
Section on webpage: Creating Cultures of Care
Tenets: Building equity, trust, mutual respect, and support. Cultivating self-care and boundaries. Humanizing online teaching/learning. Creating cultures of care in online classrooms. Examining (dis)embodiment in virtual teaching/learning. Using technology intentionally to build communities and enhance learning.
Annotation: This study examines the challenges experienced, and the pedagogy adopted, by university teachers as they transferred their teaching online during the Covid-19 pandemic. This study has implications for the debate around the justification of equivalent fees for online teaching, since it reveals more emotional labour is involved. The authors state that emotional labour is key to a pedagogy of care and online this can be even more difficult and demanding. However, emotional labour is rarely recognised, rewarded, or supported by universities. By not acknowledging the role of emotional labour in teaching online, structural inequalities in higher education are likely to become further entrenched.


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