Weekly Discussion Board Learning Activity

Author(s): Newman, Liv Date: 2023 Publication: Race, Racism, and Privilege, Loyola University New Orleans Citation: Newman, L. (2023). “Weekly Discussion Board Learning Activity,” from Race, Racism, and Privilege, Loyola University. Section on webpage: Annotated Assignments Tenets: Connecting to the personal and to communities outside of academia. Promoting reflexivity. Concern with materiality (bodies, labor, not just…

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The Autowritography: Reflecting on your Writing Process and Project

Author(s): Bond, Niya Date: 2020 Publication: English Composition II, Online Upper Iowa University Citation: Bond, Niya. (2020). “The Autowritography: Reflecting on your Writing Process and Project,” from English Composition II, Online Upper Iowa University. Section on webpage: Annotated Assignments Tenets: Humanizing online teaching/learning. Creating cultures of care in online classrooms. Using technology intentionally to build…

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Social Annotations Using Hypothesis

Author(s): Daniel, Clare Date: 2021 Publication: Sexuality, Knowledge Production, and Education, Tulane Citation: Daniel, Clare. (2021). “Social Annotations Using Hypothes.is,” from Sexuality, Knowledge Production, and Education, Tulane University. Section on webpage: Annotated Assignments Tenets: Humanizing online teaching/learning. Using technology intentionally to build communities and enhance learning. Annotation:  

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Research Study Proposal Project (Final Exam)

Author(s): Newman, Liv Date: 2021 Publication: Deviant Behavior, Loyola University New Orleans Citation: Newman, Liv. (2021). “Research Study Proposal Project (Final Exam,” from Deviant Behavior, Loyola University New Orleans.</a. Section on webpage: Annotated Assignments Tenets: Promoting reflexivity. Concern with materiality (bodies, labor, not just virtual and discursive). Building equity, trust, mutual respect, and support. Presenting…

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Research Essay and Elevator Pitch Discussion: History of a Reproductive Issue

Author(s): Daniel, Clare Date: 2020 Publication: Reproductive Politics in New Orleans, Tulane University Citation: Daniel, Clare. (2020).”Research Essay and Elevator Pitch Discussion: History of a Reproductive Issue,” from Reproductive Politics in New Orleans, Tulane University. Section on webpage: Annotated Assignments Tenets: Humanizing online teaching/learning. Using technology intentionally to build communities and enhance learning. Annotation:  

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Reflexivity Reflection Paper Learning Activity

Author(s): Newman, Liv Date: 2021 Publication: Race, Racism, and Privilege, Loyola University New Orleans Citation: Newman, Liv. (2021). “Reflexivity Reflection Paper Learning Activity,” from Race, Racism, and Privilege, Loyola University New Orleans. Section on webpage: Annotated Assignments Tenets: Promoting reflexivity. Promoting cooperative learning. Cultivating self-care and boundaries. Annotation:  

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Reflections on Meme, Identity and Humour

Author(s): Islam, Nirnoy H. Date: 2021 Publication: Ethics of Media and Communication, University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh Citation: Islam, Nirnoy H. (2021). “Reflections on Meme, Identity and Humour,” from Ethics of Media and Communication, University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh. Section on webpage: Annotated Assignments Tenets: Building equity, trust, mutual respect, and support. Promoting cooperative learning.…

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Reflection Journal Discussion

Author(s): Watts, Tyler Date: 2024 Publication: Foundations of Education Citation: Watts, T. (2024). “Reflection Journal Discussion,” from Foundations of Education, Mercer University. Section on webpage: Annotated Assignments Tenets: Connecting to the personal and to communities outside of academia. Promoting reflexivity Annotation:  

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Participation Reflection

Author(s): Howard, Jacquelyne Thoni Date: 2023 Publication: Introduction to Data, Tulane University Citation: Howard, J.H. (2023). “Participation Reflection,” from Introduction to Data, Tulane University. Section on webpage: Annotated Assignments Tenets: Examining how gender, intersecting with other social categories, structures our lives, learning, and knowledge production, access to resources and information. Uncovering the causes of inequality…

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Online Peer Review Activity

Author(s): Howard, Jacquelyne Thoni Date: 2023 Publication: Introduction to Data, Tulane University Citation: Newman, J. H. (2023). “Online Critical Response Peer Review” from Introduction to Data, Tulan University. Section on webpage: Annotated Assignments Tenets: Treating students as agentic co-educators. Promoting cooperative learning Annotation: This activity uses a modified version of Liz Lerman’s Critical Response Process.…

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Images of Representation ‘Zine Learning Activity

Author(s): Newman, Liv Date: 2023 Publication: Race, Racism, and Privilege, Loyola University New Orleans Citation: Newman, L. (2023). “Images of Representation ‘Zine Learning Activity,” from Race, Racism, and Privilege, Loyola University. Section on webpage: Annotated Assignments Tenets: Promoting reflexivity. Concern with materiality (bodies, labor, not just virtual and discursive). Examining how gender, intersecting with other…

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Gratitude Journaling

Author(s): Bali, M. Date: 2021 Publication: Digital Literacies in an Intercultural Context Citation: Bali, M. (2021). “Gratitude Journaling,” from Digital Literacies in an Intercultural Context, American University in Cairo. Section on webpage: Annotated Assignments Tenets: Creating cultures of care in online classrooms. Using technology intentionally to build communities and enhance learning. Annotation:  

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Feminist Zine Making

Author(s): Raub, Chloe Date: 2021 Publication: Archives, Identity, and Power, Tulane University Citation: Raub, Chloe. (2021). “Feminist Zine Making,” from Archives, Identity, and Power, Tulane University. Section on webpage: Annotated Assignments Tenets: Annotation:  

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Feminist Pedagogy in Teacher Education

Author(s): Awaida, Nadia Date: 2021 Publication: Citation: Awaida, Nadia. (2021). “Feminist Pedagogy in Teacher Education,”. Section on webpage: Annotated Assignments Tenets: Creating cultures of care in online classrooms. Using technology intentionally to build communities and enhance learning. Annotation:  

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Dissecting Current Events through Collaborative Virtual Mind Mapping with Google Draw

Author(s): Shelton, Catharyn Date: 2021 Publication: Technology in the Classroom, Northern Arizona University Citation: Shelton, C. (2021). “Dissecting Current Events through Collaborative Virtual Mind Mapping with Google Draw,” from Technology in the Classroom, Northern Arizona University. Section on webpage: Annotated Assignments Tenets: Connecting to the personal and to communities outside of academia. Promoting reflexivity. Examining…

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Discussion Leader Assignment

Author(s): Howard, Jacquelyne Thoni Date: 2018 Publication: Feminist Epistemologies and Research Design, Tulane University Citation: Howard, J.H. (2018). “Discussion Leader Assignment,” from Feminist Epistemologies and Research Design, Tulane University. Section on webpage: Annotated Assignments Tenets: Promoting reflexivity. Examining how gender, intersecting with other social categories, structures our lives, learning, and knowledge production, access to resources…

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Digital #powerups: hashtags to empower higher-order student engagement in online discussions

Author(s): Thurston, T. Date: 2020 Publication: Teaching Online Pedagogical Repository, UCF Citation: Thurston, T. (2020). “Digital #powerups: hashtags to empower higher-order student engagement in online discussions,” in A. deNoyelles, A. Albrecht, S. Bauer, & S. Wyatt (Eds.), Teaching Online Pedagogical Repository. Orlando, FL: University of Central Florida Center for Distributed Learning. https://topr.online.ucf.edu/digital-powerups-hashtags-to-empower-higher-order-student-engagement-in-online-discussions/. Section on webpage:…

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Building an Authentic Introduction (using AI)

Author(s): Lang, Julia Date: 2023 Publication: Taylor Your Life, Tulane Citation: Lang, J. (2022, March 1). “Building an Authentic Introduction (Using AI),” from Taylor Your Life, Tulane University. Section on webpage: Annotated Assignments Tenets: Building equity, trust, mutual respect, and support. Examining how gender, intersecting with other social categories, structures our lives, learning, and knowledge…

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